
Listnr is a state of the art Text-to-Speech platform where you can easily convert your texts or scripts into Podcasts, and Voiceovers. This platform offers 75+ languages, where each language consists of many human-like voices.

One of the most recent platforms that started with a primary goal of making podcast production easy, and accessible for everyone. This opens the door for a lot of new opportunities, and users, as most of us decide not to convert our content into a podcast as it would cost a lot of money to produce it.

This platform uses art speech synthesis, and complex Deep Learning algorithms to convert content into human-sounding voice-based podcasts and audios.


Voicely is a similar text-to-speech platform, that mainly focuses on podcasts, narration of articles, etc.

Voicely offers a bunch of features that makes it easy for users to convert their scripts. Voicely supports 60+ languages, and also offers a ton of voices. This is compatible with many leading video creation software. Besides this, Voicely offers plugins for wordpress, and even a native app to make conversions easier, and smoother.

Which is better?

Untitled Database

Wrapping It Up